Professional Medical & Dental Equipment Manufacturer


1. Dental X-rays Taken Before Surgery
During the treatment session, X-rays are taken before root canal treatment to help doctors diagnose and understand the location of the pulp chamber and the number and shape of root canals.

2. Open Pulp
Drilling a hole in the tooth, through it we can clean the tissue inside the tooth. Anesthesia should be applied for a severe toothache in the course.

3. Root Canal Preparation
This step the dentist use endo motor handpiece (a thin file looks like a needle) with patience and technique to clean and remove all dirt necrosis inside the teeth repeatedly. Then the dentist puts disinfectant in the root canal, seals it up, and waits for a week.

4. Root Canal Filling
When the tooth is completely pain-free and the root canal is clean, the tooth can be filled by dental obturation pen with permanent materials (gut gum tips and paste) to block the external environment.

5. Root Canal Piling
Due to too many tooth defects, the strength of the tooth is greatly reduced, and it cannot bear the chewing force well. The purpose of piling is to increase the stability of the filling or crown on the tooth surface. On this step, dental curing light will be use in the operation.

6. Complete Dental Restoration
X-rays is used to show whether the root canal is well filled. Thus temporary or permanent restoration with a crown is selected to protect the tooth. By far, root canal treatment is considered to be completed. After treatment, X-rays need to be taken several times for review. Usually, the interval can be 3 months, half a year, 1 year, 2 years or longer.