Professional Medical & Dental Equipment Manufacturer


Nowadays, our oral health is worth more and more attention. The regular dental scaling become a choice for our teeth protection. Dental scaling can clean and remove the dirt and bacteria on the surface of teeth. Also it can prevent and treat oral issues like teeth calculus. And now periodontal air polishing is the most popular dental scaling method, the procedure for operation as follow:

The first step is oral disinfection. The chlorhexidine gargle in the concentration of less than 0.12% is usually kept in patients’mouth for about 1 minute for cleaning their oral cavity effectively.

The second step is partial anesthesia for gums. It provides patients with painless and comfortable scaling. The oral cavity is supposed to clean again before air polishing.

The third step is air polishing. Tailor-made salt, powder and high-pressure water are mixed for air polisher to effectively clean the teeth, especially removing pigment deposits.

That is all for a procedure of periodontal air polishing. Periodontal polishing can not only clean and whiten the teeth, but it also offer patients a scaling experience with less pain and side effect. That is why air polishing is quite a popular and reliable method in dental scaling and dental hygiene.