Professional Medical & Dental Equipment Manufacturer


The better the life is, the more people pay attention to dental health. The ultrasonic scalers become more popular among all kinds of oral care tools and dental instruments.

The ultrasonic scalers use the high-frequency and high-energy vibration of ultrasound to remove the plaque, tatar, calculus deposit and stains on the surface of the teeth. It is an efficient, hygienic, convenient and comfortable tooth scaling for oral health care. The dental ultrasonic scaler is supposed to operate by professional dentists under the conditions of adequate disinfection.

Many young people use ultrasonic scalers for daily dental care. They are very concerned about whether ultrasonic scaling will damage the teeth. The answers is as follows:

The working principle of the ultrasonic scaler is to remove the dental calculus through the high-frequency vibration of ultrasonic waves. Will it damage the teeth and gums when it break the calculus? The answer is no damage to teeth and gums because the scaler tip has no grinding, cutting effect on teeth during teeth cleaning.

Is it normal the gums will bleed and the gap between the teeth will become larger after dental scaling. Yes! The calculus is firmly attached around the teeth and gums for a long time, where a large number of bacteria leads to gingival congestion and edema, which cause the gums to bleed during the cleaning process. In addition, the fragile gums are sometimes scratched by scaler tip and bleed slightly during the teeth cleaning process.

Another problem is the gap between the teeth becomes larger after dental scaling. In fact that is a wrong impression! The periodontal will shrink and the gap is filled by swollen gums and calculus between the teeth due to periodontitis.

Once the calculus is removed, wher the gums will be not swollen longer so the gap between the teeth will be exposed larger. Thus the phenomenon is not caused by scaling, but caused by the recovery after periodontal disease itself.

Generally, ultrasonic scaler is an efficient, hygienic, convenient and comfortable tooth scaling tool for oral health care.